Monday, July 12, 2010


Dr Mad Fish said...

I hope all of these are going in a 'blog book', though the quality isn't perfect, it's nice to have this stuff in hardback.

Wadjella Yorga said...

oh - didn't realise that was an option =}...sounds fun - I would love to have a hard copy that would be excellent to see them live...have you published your blog yet?

I would really love a copy of A Cave By The Sea - so much to absorb in your writing and I need to sit with things for a while - preferably in bed :) am intrigued by and resonate with your journey, love it =I=

Would also love to experiment with blowing some of these images right up - viewing them on the big screen reveals so much more - not sure if you spotted the butterfly silhouette in this one - happened to jag a bird in flight - seriously overexposed but I don't care...I love happy accidents like that

Dr Mad Fish said...

Yes, I have had 2 books made of my blog so far but they are quite expensive cos they are one-offs. I was just worried about losing the material because ST said a writer friend of hers was devastated because he lost his whole blog, but that was not 'Blogger', Wordpress I think who I have also heard have done that before.

Would Powerpoint work just to take a look at some images in a larger format? Or on a DVD and into someone's u-beaut HD screen? I had some images printed through the TAFE huge printer a few years ago, special dispensation cos I work there, but the quality was pretty good. And I know that a colleague of mine gets hers done somewhere in Perth, just sends up the disc, and they are awesome.

I will have a look for the butterfly....

Dr Mad Fish said...

Ah yes, very delicate....hey, thanks for all the positive comments too.

Dr Mad Fish said...

Sorry, I just had a thought...wouldn't your images look so good projected onto a huge wall in the midle of a city somewhere. Especially if it were alongside some really modern steel and concrete architecture. Backscreen projection for daytime maybe, side of a building at night..just a crazy thought. Would help the city people breathe....and look so earthy and rustic in comparison, everything the city is not.