Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dr Mad Fish said...

This is awesome and images something similar have been floating around in my head to be painted one day. I don't konw why but this is an archetypal image for me.

Wadjella Yorga said...

That's interesting...given your exploration and awareness of dreams and the life of the subconscious - expressed through your creativity - I am not surprised that la luna makes an appearance :)

Look forward to seeing that work when you're done!

the image speaks to me of the ethereal nature of the it escapes definition speaking in riddles, sometimes in focus - albeit fleetingly, leaving a trail of clues, compelling us to follow our instinctual nature...

Dr Mad Fish said... that was the moon? The images I want to paint next may have to wait until I get the thesis work done, they are quite abstract so won't fit into this body of work which is symbloic/representational(?) That's if I ever get the thesis done!