Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fox Hunting in Suburbia


Dr Mad Fish said...

Is that just the tail? I always feel sad seeing dead foxes by the side of the road. I know they are considered pests, but they are beautiful creatures.

Wadjella Yorga said...

Yes it is...and yes I considered picking it up and taking it home to add to the collection of assorted body parts.
Totally agree, they are magic.

sarah toa said...

I always like your roadkill series WY. The pathos, the beauty, the fur.

Wadjella Yorga said...

cheers ST, plenty of material...

sarah toa said...

Way too much material.
I was on the north west coast of Tas. recently. It was just wombat carnage. A hedgehog crossing in NZ, or those kangaroo roads on the Nullabor ... I wish we'd start paying attention to the hotspots and do something about it.

Wadjella Yorga said...

Just can't fathom how we've managed to insulate ourselves from the rest of life on this planet...but then, hurtling around the countryside in a vehicle doesn't make for connectedness and seems to sustain the illusion of our superiority...shocking disregard for our fellow beings ST :(

Free Thinker said...

Hi all its been a while. Hope all is well. Yes walking the earth with your eyes shut appears to be a symptom of modernity.

Wadjella Yorga said...

Hey there Free Thinker, missed you...hope life continues in all it's awesomeness :)