Saturday, October 30, 2010

NYC by night


Dr Mad Fish said...

The lights are very pretty, but just think how much power we would save if cities like this turned the damn things off....that's why when they have 'earth hour' and turn all the lights off I ignore it. Can't see the point when my electricity usage is so minimal ALL the time anyway, not just for one night!

What the hell are you doing there anyway?

sarah toa said...

Amazing pictures WY!

Wadjella Yorga said...

Thanks ST :)

I agree MF
NYC was the last place on Earth I wanted to visit - however the lessons born of the contrast were way beyond imagining.

Accompanied two Noongar artists who exhibited alongside two Mohawk artists - at the Longyear Museum of Anthropology at Colgate University in Hamilton - a small village in upstate NY. We spent a week there and two and a half days in the city.

Mindblowing experience.
Am still digesting & intend to write...
the contrast in the images of nature versus the machine sum it up in part... boils down to the duality of life and how we are this duality and until we love the darkness we will never be reconciled with who we are.

The overarching lesson for me on this trip was to maintain an attitude of gratitude...

I am only responsible for the energy that I bring to this planet...that is all that I can command. Until I can come to peace within there will be no peace without.

Being grateful feels bloody good too :)

Dr Mad Fish said...

Well wasteful or not the images ceratianly are beautiful. I think we have an inbred love of light and coloured light as well. If you read the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying it kind of explains it.

How brilliant to be accompanying Noongar artists to New York, which ones?

Wadjella Yorga said...

True as moths to the flame!
Must have a read - been dragging that book round for years...

Sandra Hill and Laurel Nannup.

Dr Mad Fish said...

Awesome.....well, this is about my 5th attempt at that book and only now are some things starting to make sense but I have a long way to go....

Ali said...

ahhhh the steam from the streets in new york - you saw it!

Wadjella Yorga said...

What a nice surprise! xo