In Between Showers

Tearing myself away from the fire to explore the backyard,
Tree people shedding their skins

work in progress...

'Seed pod' - detail
Acrylic on crappy board found in shed.

Shattering the mirror of self reflection

Thank you Spirit...for peeling back the layers to reveal your presence.
Reading 'The Power of Silence' beside the fire last night - thankful to the nagual for providing me with the minimal chance - the awareness of intent - and helping me to shatter this mirror of self reflection.

'The minimal chance consists of being made aware of the spirit.'
'Self reflection is what disconnected man from the spirit in the first place.'
'Silent knowledge is something all of us have'
Something that has complete mastery,
complete knowledge of everything.'
'But it cannot think, therefore it cannot speak what it knows.'

'Sorcerers believe that when man became aware that he knew,
and wanted to be conscious of what he knew,
he lost sight of what he knew.'

'This silent knowledge,
which you cannot describe,
of course,
- the spirit,
the abstract.
Man's error was to want to know it directly,
the way he knew everyday life.
The more he wanted,
the more ephemeral it became.'

'Man gave up silent knowledge for the world of reason.
The more he clings to the world of reason,
the more ephemeral intent becomes.'

'The warrior's way is to dethrone self-importance'

Standing Person

I am so blessed to live in this country...Gondwana...manifesting ancient life forms

Thankyou Great Spirit